My favorite movie trilogy of all time is the original Indiana Jones series. (I know, I know...there's a fourth. But the trilogy was a favorite before any crystal skulls came into the mix.)
This sketch is totally inspired by our first introduction to Dr. Jones (or Indiana, as he prefers.) Raiders of the Lost Ark combines archeology, history, myth, adventure, a bar room brawl and even a little romance. What more could you ask for!?!
The Ark of the Covenant comes to us via the Old Testament of the Bible (Check out Exodus if you're interested in the whole story.) Moses led a bunch of chosen people out of Egypt up to the Promised Land. Along the way, he saw a burning bush and was like, "Whoa! A burning bush. I must go see what the deal is with that feat of nature."
When he got up there, the enflamed (but not engulfed) bush started talking to him. Crazy, right? Anyway, long story short, that voice was God and God gave him some pretty good rules to live by and instructions on how to build the ark (not to be confused with that other ark God instructed a different, kind of old guy on how to construct.) Ark got build. Tablets (aka Ten Commandments) were brought down. Tablets were smashed. Smashed pieces were housed in ark. Ark was carried around for a pretty long time and did some pretty powerful things.